– Adalah Morten Hilmer seorang professional nature and wildlife photographer. Dia banyak merekam aktifitas hewan liar di hutan belantara atau di padang rumput dan gurun pasir.
Di video ini, Om Tante akan melihat dengan sangat jelas bagaimana seorang Wildlife Photography menjalankan aksi dan tugasnya, benar-benar seperti pengintai loh, senyap, sunyi, tidak berisik, dan juga yang membuat kagum itu adalah pakaian dan juga peralatan kamera rekam nya didandani menyerupai warna alam, yaitu semacam dihiasi dengan daun-daun begitu deh.
Ini adalah benar-benar bisa menjadi contoh baik buat Om Tante yang suga memiliki kesamaan hasrat, minat, hobby ingin berprofesi sebagai Wildlife Photography.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa komentar netizen di video tersebut, yang semuanya dalam Bahasa Inggris :
a military sniper, not a photographer hahaha, u’re so good! – paolollo 17
amazing.. Gutten Abend. I from Indonesian – Deny King
Thank you so much for sharing! i really felt your excitement in this, makes me just want to go out now and find something amazing..
You filmed this so well!! what camera did you use Iv been wanting to make videos like this myself but have not been sure how to do it.
Subbed! cant wait for more – CJamesPhoto
I always find myself holding my breath when I see your videos haha shhhhhhh! – Craig Nevermind
Hunting without killing….. Nice… 🙂 – Wernher von Braun
Great job! Mortem, – yujin landscape photography.
I like this – Android Expert /AR/
Another great video Morten.. I love your passion & the fact you didn’t want to get closer for a better shot or angle so as not to disturb them. A true inspiration & great example to ALL wildlife photographers that the welfare of the subject is paramount.. Have to ask, what lens was that – Mark & Sue Parker
I think I’ll watch nature photography right before I sleep. – Manu Shapopi
Excellent!!! Thanks for sharing – Deer Oh Deer
Sharpshooter – Avay Chhetri
My wife asked me if i wanted a coffee, i found myself whispering “yes please” i was that engrossed. Brilliant video and subbed. – Jim Bryce
I WANT THAT LENS! – peter panda
Silent, calm, peaceful. respectful. Mankind could learn much from this man and his approach to nature. – Rudi Dudi
nice i like your way that you enjoy of taking wildlife photos very good photographer – NZ Tech
I love it Morten!!! You set an example to me. Keep it peaceful. Do not disturb the nature just because we want a better shots. Thank you so much. – Vivian Choi
So beautiful. – ramesh KAKOTI
just love to see someone use nikon camera in youtube 🙂 – Bayu Yoga Dinata
That’s amazing. Honestly. Hate when people hunt to kill, but what you did, is actually skill of hunting. Get close. Be quite. And shoot. But shoot not to kill but to capture. That is an amazing respect for respecting nature – Jimmy Lenovo
Wouldn´t it be better using a mirrorles camer because of the electronic shutter making it silent – sanjin jakupovic
Like a sniper…. – Shishir Tiwari
its amazing . – kai r
What’s the name of the post-rock song you used for this I can’t get enough of it – Gestr yfir Óðinns borð
the best ASMR video!! – Daniel Araujo
Wow amazing – Dede Ariyanto
Wawww ,the best for you – AndCreator S
Geez bud, I sure hope its not hunting season where you’re at! – Willi Billi
Tak for nogle gode videoer, Morten 🙂 (Jeg har kun set to, indtil videre)
Man føler rigtigt naturen, og jeg er opsat på at anskaffe mit eget slørings/camouflagetøj, så jeg bedre kan falde i et med baggrunden, og snige mig tættere på dyrene, hvis jeg ser dem før de lugter mig 🙂 (Og så “lugter” det lidt af, da jeg var soldat :P)
De få gange jeg har taget billeder af rådyr, har været når jeg er taget med min far på jagt. Men de er ikke blevet ret gode, fordi min længste linse er en gammel udtjent Tamron 70-300mm, på et D300 (dengang). Så pixelhelvede 🙂
Nu bruger jeg D800, sammen med en gammel model 80-200mm f/2.8D (push/pull), der dog med en 2x forlænger kommer ganske tæt på, selvom jeg ikke er lige præcis så tæt på som jeg gerne vil, og jeg mister autofokus 🙂
Hvorom alting er, så har du nu fået endnu en abonnent til din kanal, for dét vil jeg se mere af 🙂
Venlig hilsen,
Steen – Steen Skov
I love wild life photography – Shubham Karande
I sense your deep appreciation for nature and wildlife… and really love your photos and videos. Subscribed 🙂 – Aaron Fu
amazing.,. penyamaran dan kameranya itu lho,., kweren banget… – NoL 17
Sir. I love your work… GOD Bless You. – Faran Hassan
i have a question. Doesn’t the shutter sound pose a problem in these situations – PoCanDo _
vildt flot film… det er så autentisk at det føles som om man er lige ved siden af dig 😉 – Fluefeber
Hi Morten. I really enjoy these videos! It’s the anticipation of waiting and watching, and the amazing feeling of being in nature and maybe, or maybe not, capturing a great shot, which doesn’t actually matter so much. I think your attitude is great, to not want to disturb the nature just for your own benefit. I think it’s amazing! Thanks! – joanna cumming
I can not imagine when taking a picture of a deer suddenly want poop… – Tappe Simon Siza
It’s so tough to film yourself while shooting wildlife, but you managed to do it really well.
I really enjoyed watching this video.
is red deer a color blind u dont have to be stealth like this XD – Soham Sarkar
Superb photography so cool – dantesh rao
Amazing video
It gives me goosebumps please make more of this kind. – Keshav Rajput
Beautiful photo’s and thank you for sharing your video. Your video work is also top notch.
My Compliments, Pete – Dark Horse
wouais nice – Béarn nature
I totally liked it… – Prantika Choudhury
ilike it – my freedom
what happen if a real sniper spot him : | – Thin Bùi Xuân
holy s* – that was totally… AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!! – justletmesigninokthx
YouTube needs more conscientious creators like you, thanks for sharing your inspiring moments with us! – William Miles La Mont
Awesome – Il Giardino delle Meraviglie
great work , just keep it up – Sk Firoj
U rock man! – Linus östberg
Your videos are pretty exciting. You gained a sub. – Fitz Johnson
Love u – Anirban Halder
Well done mate, wanted to ask you, is the Sigma f/5-6.3 a good lens to pair up with a Nikon d3400 for wildlife Good luck in the future lad – Dr Owl
Great! Tack – Hu Ko
The Sniper!… cool video. – Straight Out of Camera
Very nice camera – abdul karim
This is amazing. Subbed – Jesse H
I live in Germany and we have many deer roaming around here, I think I’m going to have to pick up a longer lens and do some stalking! – Inspirational video, thank you! – P.S Please keep uploading!!! – Ginger Photographer
take me with you – Sukla Roy
just look at the quality. omg. amazing – Ja Joni
fantastisk video endnu en gang – Casper Krohn
Very very beautiful and superb work. Thank you for uploading. – STURDY XOCTICOX
Damn inspiring! My main focus are owns, so, the dim light is the most difficult part of my job. I understand your feeling from just watch. It’s beautiful! Keep photographing! amazing job – Lucas Chiereguini
Just wow. – Antonio Laso
Beautiful video i just watched and so calm.
Thank you for that you just got my sub !
Ill be watching more for sure .
Good day. – David Doddridge
This is like ASMR – Herman Roguero
Parabéns Morten Hilmer!!!Saudações do Brasil. – Rogério Peccioli
love this passion for wildlife photography ! wish i could get out to such beautiful wild places more often – Timon Lamprey
love this – Moral Motivation – Bengali
Great asmr! – Waitech
Where are you from sir – I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY – Nkosinathi Ringane
Oh my god man wow what a great vd u have made – Gursimranjot Singh
Incredible video once again! So nice to see you working (beeing out in the “field”, crouching through the thicket, filming and photographing without disturbing the animals)! 🙂 – Aiko Sukdolak
great video, lot`s of respect, you are dressed up in ghillie suit, the right tools for the job.. – Patrick de Flandre
Great Video Morten!! Respect!! the way you respect the nature. Thanking you again for such wonderful video. – sunil dutta
wow.. it’s really wonderful. I’m also a photographer . I like to join with you. your really grate!! – Rayyan Adam
“I don’t want to disturb them for a photograph” – Love it. That’s how all of us should live. Without any hindrance to others. – Riyaz AJ
have u switched to Nikon from Canon or ur using both – Mahan Nepal
@morten hilmer what lens are you using – James Najimy
Thats amazing – o ptx
Really enjoy this buddy. Great job. Subbed. – Mr Glass
Endnu en rigtig fin video Morten. Det er spændende at se hvordan du arbejder og ikke mindst tænker når du er i felten. – Søren Dam Nielsen
Anybody know what tripod he’s using – Alex Rhee
I love your passion, and inspiration for sure! – Joakim Karlsson
Morton is The best wildlife photographer I know of his respect and stealth like approach towards wildlife is incredible such an inspirational man keep up the good work buddy – andrew dawson
Fantastic one..Really great work And you do have lots of patience..can you please tell me body and the lens used – Bilal Shaik
What a great content! The only shooting that should happen in the woods! – Mario Hell
one of the best job !! – Brugada
May I know how can I join as assistant to learn photography sir….. – vinoth vino
Can you give me your email so that I can mail you my work and I would really like a great professional photographer commenting on it. Please Sir, – Man of Honor
Om Tante, mau ikutan berkomentar (with english language ofcourse), langsung saja TKP kesana ke video nya. (LV – PP)